Join us in Praying for our country, President, Congress and other government leaders that they will be unified and God’s will and guidance will prevail in all their decisions.
We also ask you join us prayer for all our soldiers, military leaders, police, law enforcement and first responders for God’s guidance and safety in their daily service of Americans.
Members and Family needs:
Brad Bozeman
Betty Cawthon
Connie Gantt
Steve Gantt
Joyce Kilgore
Joey Miller
Cathy Mobley
Sammie and Geraldine Walls
Friends and Others:
Rev. Brad Angus
Becky (has cancer)
Marcie Neal_
Judy Null
Cody Smith
Long Term:
William Anderson
Susie Bessey
Jean Forte
Johnnie Golden
Faye Harris
Matt Hearn
Fred Herrin
Mona Herrin
Rhonda and Dan Jackson
Marcie Neal
Judy Wilder
James Blankenship
John Polonius
Jonathon Whitten
May God touch each person represented here, and provide comfort and healing to all.